pick up after the puppy
Northwest Arkansas is blessed with beautiful trails for everyone to enjoy. My favorites are the Kohler, Crystal Bridge, and Slaughter Pen trails. I walk my dog and am appalled at the amount of dog poop that other dog owners refuse to pick up. Every few steps you take, more mountains will come into view. I’ve seen the mess more than once, less than 5 feet away from a garbage station that provides bags and containers.
For quite some time, I couldn’t imagine anyone being so inconsiderate as to leave such a mess for others to step on or overstep if they strayed from their path. I finally realized it. They are the ones who burned “Publican”! Who else but those deplorable uneducated Trumpers could cause me and my little old dog so much discomfort?
rick white
Trump and taxes
Candidate tax returns are always an issue in election years. Joe Biden has been open and clear about his income and tax history. What do we get from Donald Trump?
Until now, there has been no clear understanding of President Trump’s tax history. He has always maintained that he is being “audited.” It took a New York Times inside story to reveal that Donald Trump hadn’t paid taxes in years. Apparently his business losses were large, which, of course, can be deducted from profits. He didn’t want to reveal any of this because he wanted to maintain the illusion of his business acumen.
Donald Trump is a walking fantasy. He is said to be a millionaire with a net worth of over $10 billion and $400 million in cash. “I don’t need other people’s money.” Hmm…and he doesn’t pay taxes.
Other quotes he uses to suit his interests: “I’m a genius”, smart people don’t pay taxes. He is a “star” and because of these beliefs he is entitled to immunity from sexual misconduct charges. How will the smart star fare in the New York trial?
He has a lie ready that can be adapted to any situation, and believes that if you repeat a lie enough times, it will become the truth. Hmm…and this guy is running for President of the United States. And he expects presidential immunity!
What’s next? What will history say about Donald Trump and his supporters?
When I’m working on a project at home and somehow get off track, I often find myself throwing the project away and starting over. It’s quite difficult considering taxes and politics.
PL Gustafsson
hot spring village
the experiment went well
I just finished watching “Unlocked: The Jail Experiment.” I think Sheriff Eric Higgins should be commended for helping these inmates improve. The difference this program made in these men’s lives was remarkable. And if the opposition comes up with a better plan, let them try it. If not, you should keep your mouth shut. We need more programs like this across the country to reduce recidivism rates. Good luck, Sheriff!
sharon miller
walk to save lives
As the workforce changes, being in the office from 9 to 5 is no longer a typical workday. Many jobs now offer hybrid, remote, and work-from-home options for employees to choose from. Amid all these changes, keeping employees connected and active is more important than ever, and many employers are struggling to do so.
One way employers can create stronger connections is by participating in the American Heart Association’s Central Arkansas Heart Walk. When you participate in a HeartWalk, you promote a workplace focused on health and well-being and give employees opportunities to grow. Heart disease and stroke affect people in very personal and life-altering ways. HeartWalk also provides a voice for employees to share why it is important for them to fight cardiovascular disease as individuals.
The Heart Walk is not just a one-day event, but a year-long commitment. Through HeartWalk, employees can help each other stay healthy year-round and continue to gain valuable team-building and leadership experience that has real-life impact. By taking every step and raising every dollar, you become part of the solution to a world where everyone lives longer, healthier lives.
We encourage all Little Rock area employers to register, get out and encourage your employees to share their personal reasons for walking. I walk to save lives. You can too. For more information, visit CentralArkansasHeartWalk.org.
wonder king
small rock
Wanda King is vice president of FEP and Medicare Advantage Operations at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arkansas.
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