According to various studies, eating more citrus fruits may reduce your risk of heart disease.
Fruits such as oranges can reduce the risk of and help treat cardiovascular disease (CVD).
A study published in PubMed Central looked at 10 of the most commonly consumed fruits to determine their effectiveness in preventing and treating CVD. It turns out that oranges are one of the best fruits to reduce the occurrence of major risk factors for heart disease.
In fact, they reference multiple studies that have shown that drinking orange juice reduces inflammatory stress, indicators of heart disease such as high blood pressure and obesity.
Citrus fruits have many benefits
“Study results showed that orange can be used as a therapy to prevent and control CVD by inhibiting enzymes and preventing oxidative damage.”
Research shows that this isn’t the only reason why oranges and other citrus foods are good for your heart.
Oranges are rich in pectin, a fiber found in fruits that has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease. Citrus pectin, found in oranges and grapefruit, has been shown to have many benefits.
A study conducted at the University of Florida College of Medicine found that supplementing with grapefruit pectin can significantly reduce cholesterol without making any other lifestyle changes.
In this study, grapefruit pectin helped lower plasma cholesterol by 7.6 percent and LDL cholesterol by 10.8 percent in people with moderate to high risk of coronary heart disease due to hypercholesterolemia.
”[Citrus] “Cell membranes are rich in a type of dietary fiber called pectin, a so-called viscous fiber,” says Karen Collins, a registered dietitian who specializes in cancer prevention and heart health. told .org.
“It’s a type of fiber that helps lower (bad) LDL cholesterol, and it appears to be something called a prebiotic that helps grow healthy bacteria in your gut.”
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, lemons, and limes contain the most pectin.
Latest development status
Experts share the heart benefits of oranges
Another study published in the National Library of Medicine found that citrus pectin modified with Gal-3 inhibitors protects against heart dysfunction.
This comes after research suggested simple food swaps could help prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths from heart-related diseases.
In the UK alone, reducing red meat intake by 8 per cent and replacing it with forage fish such as sardines and herring could prevent 10 per cent of deaths from heart disease over the next 26 years.
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