Highly anticipated drug and device trials, including RELIEVE-HF and EMPACT-MI, will be presented at the ACC’s 75th Annual Meeting.
Later this week, the American College of Cardiology’s (ACC) 2024 Scientific Sessions will celebrate its 75th anniversary and be held in Atlanta for the first time since 2010, but plans to reopen in 2021 have been canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Ta. This year’s lineup includes several highly anticipated cardiovascular clinical trials in the drug and device space, as well as less traditional trials evaluating game-based financial incentives, spirituality, and unique population approaches. Some approaches are also included.
According to scientific session chair Douglas Drachman, MD, of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, 2024 will be a “blockbuster year” for the conference. The conference received 1,100 more abstracts than last year, the highest number in 20 years. We received applications from 79 countries around the world. “This conference will have a truly global voice and we certainly expect it to have a global impact,” Drachmann said in a media television briefing last week.
Latest lineup
A total of five late-stage clinical trial (LBCT) sessions will be held during the three-day conference. His LBCT I on Saturday will feature only his three exams: Relief-HF, Impact MIand Aegis II. This last trial, already known from the top-line results, came up empty-handed, resulting in what could be a fatal blow to the HDL elevation hypothesis.
In contrast, RELIEVE-HF is exploring newer territory. This is his second randomized trial to date of an atrial shunt to reduce pulmonary pressure in heart failure. Initial positive signals reported two years ago raised hopes that this trial would yield better results than his REDUCE LAP-HF II, another atrial shunt device proven . It is no different from a sham procedure to relieve pulmonary wedge pressure.
“From my standpoint, I’m hopeful that this will advance the care of this difficult-to-treat population,” said conference vice chair and co-chair Katie Barlasher, MD, PhD, of the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Ta. Briefing session. “There are many patients with reduced ejection fraction and many patients with preserved ejection fraction. Despite the many good medical therapies we give them, they cannot tolerate much longer. Either they can’t get any further treatment because they don’t have it, or they’re on maximum treatment,” and they still have heart failure. [symptoms]. So I’m very interested in the structural changes in the heart that treat this. ”
LBCT I concludes with EMPACT-MI. This aims to test empagliflozin (Jardiance; Boehringer Ingelheim/Eli Lilly), prescribed immediately after an acute MI, to reduce her subsequent MACE more than usual treatment. Once again, ACC attendees will be thinking about its predecessor, DAPA-MI. DAPA-MI was presented at last year’s American Heart Association meeting, which tested dapagliflozin (Faxiga, AstraZeneca) in acute myocardial infarction, and also came empty-handed. However, of note, DAPA-MI specifically excluded patients with diabetes, whereas EMPACT-MI did not.
There will be two late sessions on Sunday morning. His LBCT II at 8 a.m. will include a combined lipid-lowering test, Phase II. heart-2 Hypertension Clinical Trial Dilevesiran (Alnylam) and a Novel Approach to Using Gamification, Financial Incentives, or Both to Induce Patients at Risk for CV Adverse Events to Be More Physically Active.
LBCT III at 11 a.m. will be dominated by MI and ACS exams, with the most attention being danger shock We are testing the Impella percutaneous transvalvular microaxial flow pump (Abiomed) in patients presenting with acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock. As TCTMD previously reported, the trial faces an uphill battle to enroll and randomize the sickest patients, and incomplete observational studies continue to fill gaps in knowledge. in the process of.
Other LBCT III trials are also likely to make headlines. tact 2 revisit the appealing idea that chelation may be helpful after myocardial infarction in diabetic patients. Reduce Ami address the long-standing question of whether long-term beta-blockers are helpful after MI in patients with preserved ejection fraction, especially in the current era of guideline-based medical treatment. lastly, Ultimate DAPT This trial is the latest to attempt to reduce antiplatelet therapy regimens after PCI, this time with a strategy of just 1 month of ticagrelor monotherapy after ACS.
The session will feature the only structural heart disease clinical trial. smart This study compares a balloon-expandable TAVI valve to a self-expanding TAVI valve in patients with small aortic annulus.
On Monday morning, cardiomyopathy takes center stage. In LBCT IV, this space features his two new agents and his one old agent. Arise HF tested a selective aldose reductase inhibitor (at-001; Applied Therapeutics) for the treatment of diabetic cardiomyopathy. Improvement-HCM investigated a novel cardiac mitotrope, ninerafaxstat (Imbria Pharmaceuticals), in patients with symptomatic non-obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. pro actHowever, we feature an older drug, the ACE inhibitor enalapril, for its potential to prevent anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity in breast cancer and lymphoma patients. His last two trials in LBCT IV are studies of tranexamic acid to prevent strokes after heart surgery. tacticsis testing a technology-enabled non-prescription delivery method for rosuvastatin.
The last updated session of ACC 2024 was all about cardiology interventions. Contents of LBCT V orbit cosmica placebo-controlled trial of coronary sinus-reducing drugs for refractory angina. Dedicated-DZHK6, pitting surgery against TAVI in low- and intermediate-risk patients.of Target blood pressure I Trial of renal denervation, IVUS and angiography to guide drug-coated balloon therapy in femoropopliteal artery disease. Comparison of “prophylactic PCI” and drug therapy in patients with unstable coronary artery plaques. This is “kind of the holy grail of cardiology, and it prevents future heart attacks,” Drachmann said at an ACC press conference.[and] I hope this trial brings more insight. ”
more science
Each late comer will be reconfirmed each day in a “deep dive” session scheduled for later in the day. Additionally, he will have three featured clinical research sessions, one each per day, where he will present the latest information from recent trials and new registry analyses.
Several off-the-wall studies were brought together under the umbrella of ‘Clinical and Research Horizons’ on Saturday, including a registration-based decentralized trial looking at how to provide more equitable cardiovascular care, a national football・Includes research on CVD risk factors between leagues. A study of athletes and their families, a practical science study aimed at increasing heart failure treatment among the Navajo Nation, and a study measuring the impact of spirituality on blood pressure.
Of course, it’s not all testing and science, as the conference’s CV team leader, Kimberly Gibborn, DNP (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA), explained to the media. There are 11 game show-style sessions with dedicated healthcare business-focused sessions for healthcare professionals, quizzes, lights and buzzers, and by popular demand, a special session for stressed-out conference attendees. The puppy will come back so you can actually pick it up.
For more information on events at ACC 2024, check out the latest Rox Heart Radio. The TCTMD team is based in Atlanta. Please send us your tips, complaints and comments. We’ll be expecting you.
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