A prospective study found that the use of electronic nicotine products is associated with the development of heart failure.
People who self-reported ever using electronic cigarettes (vaping) were 19% more likely to develop heart failure within 45 months compared to those who reported never using ( adjusted HR 1.19, 95% CI 1.06 to 1.35). This was not influenced by factors such as patient age, patient sex, or smoking, reported Yaqub Bene Alhassan, MD, of MedStar Health in Baltimore, Maryland, and his co-authors.
The risk of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) was 21% higher in users compared to nonusers (adjusted HR 1.21, 95% CI 1.01-1.47), but There was no significant change in heart failure risk with the drop. (HFrEF; adjusted HR 1.11, 95% CI 0.90-1.37).
Patients who dually used both e-cigarettes and traditional combustible cigarettes had a 59% increased risk of developing heart failure, according to data from the NIH-funded All of Us research program. These findings will be presented as a poster at this weekend’s American College of Cardiology meeting.
“A growing body of research is linking e-cigarettes to adverse effects and finding that they may not be as safe as previously thought,” Bene-Alhassan said in a press release. “The differences we saw were substantial. It’s worth considering the impact on health, especially heart health.”
Indeed, e-cigarettes are associated with worse myocardial endothelial function and microvascular function, although evidence that e-cigarettes cause more cardiovascular events is inconsistent.
Bene Alhassan disagreed with the idea that e-cigarettes or vaping could be used as a smoking cessation tool, saying there was a significant number of participants who continued to smoke despite using vaping. E-cigarettes are not an officially recommended smoking cessation tool, as the CDC recommends medication and counseling instead.
The study authors noted that the observational nature of the study limited their ability to confirm a causal relationship between e-cigarette use and heart failure, and encouraged further research.
“I think this study has been long overdue, especially given how much attention e-cigarettes are getting,” Bene-Alhassan said. “We don’t want to wait too long until we finally find out that it can be harmful. And by then, a lot of the harm may have already been done. As more research continues… “If we do, we’ll learn more about underlying health conditions.”Improve results and improve the information we share with the public. ”
Researchers have meanwhile discouraged e-cigarette use, especially among young people.
The study utilized adult electronic health records from the All of Us program, which includes 1 million participants from a variety of backgrounds. The researchers used a population assessment of tobacco and health to determine patients’ nicotine and tobacco use.
The current analysis counted 175,667 participants after excluding participants with a history of heart failure and missing relevant health data. The average participant was 52 years old, and 60.5% of the cohort were female. The group was 70% white and approximately 20% black.
Of the 147,007 patients who had never used e-cigarettes, 64.4% had never smoked conventional cigarettes, 20.5% were former smokers, and 15.1% were current smokers.
Of the 28,660 people identified as regular e-cigarette users, 31.7% reported never smoking, 39.1% were former smokers, and 29.2% were current smokers.
The All of Us program is sponsored by the National Institutes of Health.
No disclosures reported.
Primary information
American College of Cardiology
Source reference: Bene-Alhasan Y, et al. Use of electronic nicotine products increases risk of developing heart failure. ACC 2024.
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