Ask anyone about plant-based meat (also known as meat substitutes, meat substitutes, or even fake meat) and you’ll get a variety of opinions on both sides of the fence.
Examples of plant-based meats include Beyond Burger, Impossible Burger, some chicken nuggets, sausage, and even bacon. These are made from ingredients such as soy, pea protein, natural flavors, and dried yeast. Bottom line: Contains no meat.
On the negative side, some point to studies warning that it’s not good for your health because it’s ultra-processed.
Processed foods may have added sugar, oil, and salt, but ultra-processed foods go a step further. For example, they can be manufactured with artificial flavors and colors, preservatives to increase shelf stability, and ingredients to enhance texture.
These ingredients, sodium, total fat, and saturated fat, to name a few, have been linked to non-communicable diseases, and some of them exceed recommended levels.
Sodium is of particular concern here, as high intakes of sodium are linked to heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. Also, consuming too much sugar and unhealthy fatty acids can lead to obesity and type 2 diabetes risk.
“Ultra-processed foods are typically foods that are combined with a large number of manufactured ingredients,” says Scott Keatley, a registered dietitian and co-owner of Keatley Medical Nutrition Therapy.
Research suggests that many, if not all, plant-based burgers are considered ultra-processed.
Examples of ultra-processed foods include hot dogs, deli meats, fast foods, packaged cookies, and salty snacks such as potato chips.
on the positive side of the fence
A World Health Organization-funded study that analyzed the nutritional value of ultra-processed plant-based burgers shows that a shift to a plant-based diet may reduce non-communicable diseases, but that’s because the food in question This is only true if it contains the right ingredients. .
A new study published in the British Journal of Nutrition looked at ultra-processed plant-based burgers sold in Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Lisbon and London.
Survey results were mixed. Ultra-processed, plant-based burgers have been found to be a source of protein, dietary fiber, and essential minerals.
The good news here is that eating plant-based protein, fiber, and minerals, which are “rich” in plant-based burgers, is associated with a lower risk of certain non-communicable diseases, such as heart disease. about it.
Not only that, but in Europe, intakes of certain nutrients such as dietary fiber and minerals such as iron and potassium are generally below recommended daily levels, so eating these burgers can actually reduce your daily intake. may contribute to achieving the required amount.
But researchers warn that ultra-processed plant-based foods not only contain beneficial nutritional components, but can also be a source of unhealthy compounds such as sodium and fat.
What about food safety?
In a presentation titled “Understanding Food Safety and Plant-Based Proteins as Meat Alternatives,” Mary Morris Donaldson, a food safety expert at Michigan State University, explained the reasons behind consumer demand. He pointed out that there are many reasons. These “meatless” products. Many people believe that they are healthy. Some say animal welfare is an issue because there is no need to kill animals, while others point to the environmental benefits of not having to keep animals.
Morris Donaldson said that although protein consumption is increasing globally, these plant-based meats are unlikely to replace meat. But it will add more protein options to your diet.
“It’s not a one-for-one exchange,” Morris Donaldson said, referring to meat and plant-based meat. You should not think that one is healthier than the other. They just have different profiles. ”
Food poisoning is often associated with meat, poultry, and seafood, but biological contaminants can also be a problem when working with plants. These include viruses, bacteria, yeast, parasites, and mycotoxins, which are called pathogenic microorganisms. In other words, when plants are exposed to soil, there is a possibility of microbial contamination. Wild animals roaming among crops can be another problem.
Additionally, naturally occurring contaminants such as lead and cadmium are present in the soil. However, manufacturers must meet certain standards to ensure they are not present within the factory.
Allergies can also be a problem. Some plant-based meats contain food allergens such as wheat, soy, peanuts, and sesame. Morris Donaldson said this could cause very serious reactions in people. However, the label must list one of the nine food allergens specified by the Department of Agriculture (milk, egg, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soy, sesame), so consumers should consider the label. is needed.
Different but same
Although plant-based meat is different from actual meat, you should take the same food safety precautions when preparing, serving, and eating it.
One helpful tip is to treat it as if it were raw meat. That means following the same food safety guidelines for raw meat provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/). keep-food-safe.html).
First, always wash your hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds before handling raw food, after using the toilet, changing diapers, or handling pets.
Store plant-based meats separately from raw meats, even in your grocery cart, to avoid contamination by pathogens that may be on the meat or meat packaging. Also, avoid using the same cutting board or kitchen counter that you used for raw meat, unless of course you have thoroughly cleaned it.
For plant-based meat to be safe, it must be cooked at the right temperature. Advice from the CDC includes the following tips: Cook the burgers to at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit. All poultry must reach a safe minimum internal temperature of 165 degrees, and fish 145 degrees.
Do not store plant-based foods at room temperature. Store at below 40 degrees in the refrigerator and below 0 degrees in the freezer.
There are no ifs, buts, or ors about this.
“There’s no reason to be upset about food poisoning,” says Morris Donaldson.
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