Mongabay said a new study by the Endocrine Society and the International Pollutant Elimination Network provides strong evidence that widely used hormone-disrupting industrial chemicals are linked to increases in disease worldwide.
what’s happening?
The detailed report includes the latest scientific research on the endocrine-disrupting properties of various substances and found that these chemicals can cause serious health problems.
Reproductive disorders, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, neurological conditions, chronic inflammation, and decreased immune function are all listed as health problems that can be caused by endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs).
These toxic chemicals impair the natural function of your hormones and affect your metabolism, immune system, fertility, and more.
The report estimates that more than 24% of human diseases are caused by environmental factors, such as EDC exposure, and that these factors contribute to 80% of the most life-threatening diseases, such as heart disease and cancer. doing.
Although people can be exposed to these dangerous chemicals in a variety of ways, researchers have identified four important sources of exposure: plastics, pesticides, household and children’s products, and perfluorinated chemicals (PFAS). We considered industrial chemicals such as alkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances).
Why is exposure to hormone-disrupting chemicals a concern?
As Mongabay explained, current EDC regulations are too lax and assume health effects from high levels of exposure. Researchers say global legislation on EDCs is outdated and does not take into account the latest scientific knowledge about the chemicals.
“We know that even very low doses of endocrine-disrupting chemicals can cause health problems, and that there may be no safe dose for exposure to EDCs. ,” said IPEN Scientific Advisor Sarah Brochet. she said in a press release about her report.
“We need a global approach to managing EDCs based on the latest science, with the goal of upholding the human right to a healthy environment,” she added.
Researchers said in their report that out of the 350,000 chemicals manufactured worldwide, thousands could be EDCs. Because many of these chemicals are not tested for human health effects before reaching the market, and because regulations have not kept up with recent research, scientists are sounding the alarm about their potential effects. ing.
Mongabay says EDCs also pollute water, air and soil, with the Global South being the worst affected. The newspaper reported that highly toxic pesticides used in Brazil have been linked to an increase in childhood cancer deaths. Additionally, India still produces DDT, a harmful pesticide that was banned in the United States in 1972.
What is being done about it?
The researchers advocated for stricter international regulations to ban the production and use of these chemicals. Mongabay said the European Union agreed in 2020 to ban the use of harmful chemicals in consumer products.
Additionally, an international plastics treaty to combat plastic pollution and tackle harmful chemicals used in production should be finalized by the end of this year.
Scientists are working to clean up toxic chemicals in the environment, from eternal chemicals in tap water to air pollution in your home.
In addition to switching to natural grass, which requires no chemicals or fertilizers, you can also limit your exposure to hormone disruptors by purchasing reusable stainless steel water bottles and silicone food containers. Masu.
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