
New research shows that even when consumed in moderate amounts, alcohol It can pose a threat to a woman’s heart. The study, presented at the American College of Cardiology’s annual scientific session, found that in young to middle-aged people, woman People who drank multiple alcoholic drinks a day were more likely to develop heart disease than those who drank less. The study was conducted by researchers at Kaiser Permanente in Northern California.
A total of 432,265 participants between the ages of 18 and 65 were surveyed. The participants had no history of heart disease or stroke. The research team identified which patients had the following diagnoses: coronary heart disease Over the next four years.
Participants were categorized as follows: Low intake (1-2 drinks per week for both men and women). Moderate (3-14 drinks per week for men, 3-7 drinks per week for women). or large amounts (15 or more drinks per week for men and 8 or more drinks per week for women). Binge drinking was defined as 4 or more drinks per day for men and 3 or more drinks for women within the past 3 months.

Alcohol increases risk of heart disease by 50%

In this study, young to middle-aged women who reported drinking eight or more alcoholic drinks per week (on average, one or more drinks per day) were more likely to develop coronary heart disease than women who drank less. The odds were found to be between 33% and 51% higher. Women who drank heavily were 68% more likely to develop heart disease, and men who reported heavy drinking were 33% more likely to develop heart disease.

Is alcohol bad for your heart?

According to some studies, alcohol consumption It has a positive effect on the mind. It is generally understood that alcohol consumption can have both positive and negative effects on heart health. moderate alcohol intakeespecially red wine is associated with potential. cardiovascular system Benefits from antioxidants such as resveratrol. “Although it has long been believed that alcohol is good for the heart, there is a growing body of evidence that challenges that idea,” said lead author Jamal S. Rana, M.D., a cardiologist and adjunct research fellow at Permanente Medical Group. the doctor said. At Kaiser Permanente Research Department. “Alcohol has been shown to increase blood pressure and cause metabolic changes associated with inflammation and obesity, both of which increase the risk of heart disease,” said lead author Stacey A. Sterling, MD, MSW. the doctor said. Research department. Excessive alcohol consumption can cause high blood pressure, irregular heart rhythms, weakened heart muscle, and increased risk of heart disease. Chronic alcohol abuse can also lead to conditions such as cardiomyopathy and alcoholic cardiomyopathy, which severely impair heart function. Therefore, although moderate alcohol consumption may have some cardiovascular benefits, maintaining moderation and considering individual health factors is essential to effectively protect heart health.

Why are women at higher risk?

“Women also process alcohol differently than men due to biological and physiological differences, which may contribute to increased drinking. heart disease risk we found. “This is worrying because rates of alcohol use are increasing among young and middle-aged women, including the number of women who binge drink,” Stacey explains.

Heart disease in women: experts discuss the latest worrying trends, signs and symptoms


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