High fluctuations in body mass index (BMI) are associated with adverse cardiovascular disease (CVD) events, according to a study published online on March 21. JAMA network open.
Zakaria Almwaqat, M.D., MPH, of Veterans Affairs Atlanta Healthcare System in Decatur, Georgia, and colleagues investigated the association between BMI variation and CVD events in two cohorts (Million Veterans Program). [MVP] and UK Biobank [UKB]).
Among 92,363 US veterans in the MVP cohort, 4,811 combined CVD events were recorded from 2011 to 2018. The researchers found that the coefficient of variation in BMI was associated with an increased risk of composite CVD across all groups (hazard ratio, 1.16). These associations did not change between subgroups and after adjustment for his BMI polygenic score. There were 6,934 combined CVD events among 65,047 people in the UKB cohort. In the UKB cohort, each standard deviation increase in BMI variation significantly increased the risk of cardiovascular death (hazard ratio 1.08).
“These findings suggest that greater BMI changes may be associated with a high-risk phenotype for CVD with unique metabolic and genetic mechanisms,” the authors write. . “Future research should focus on identifying the molecular risk pathways mediating this association.”
For more information:
Zakaria Almuwaqqat et al. Long-term body mass index fluctuations and adverse cardiovascular effects, JAMA network open (2024). DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.3062
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Quote: Higher BMI Variability Associated with Cardiovascular Disease Adverse Events (March 25, 2024), March 25, 2024 at https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-03-higher-bmi-variability Retrieved from -linked-adverse.html
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