A high genetic susceptibility to leisure computer use is associated with an increased risk of erectile dysfunction (ED), according to a study published in . andrology.
Zhao Huangfu and his colleagues at Changhai Hospital in Shanghai investigated the causal relationship between sedentary behavior during leisure time and ED. A two-sample Mendelian randomization analysis was performed using published genome-wide association studies on leisure-time sedentary behavior, erectile dysfunction, sex hormones, biomarkers of endothelial function, and psychiatric symptoms.
Researchers observed a significant association between higher genetic susceptibility to leisure computer use and higher risk of ED (odds ratio, 3.57). We found no evidence that watching television or driving for leisure was associated with an increased risk of ED. With the exception of follicle-stimulating hormone levels (odds ratio, 0.29), there was no association between computer use and depression, anxiety, C-reactive protein, E-selectin, matrix metalloproteinase 7, or other sex hormones. There was no. Sensitivity analyzes showed no signs of heterogeneity or pleiotropy.
“The present Mendelian randomization analysis provides substantial evidence for a positive causal relationship between computer use and the risk of ED, finding an effect of computer use on follicle-stimulating hormone. “This study may provide new research directions on the pathogenesis of ED caused by sedentary behavior,” the authors write.
For more information:
Zhao Huangfu et al., A Mendelian randomized study of the causal effect of leisure-time sedentary behavior on the risk of erectile dysfunction, andrology (2024). DOI: 10.1111/andr.13611
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Quote: Positive causal link between computer use and erectile dysfunction identified (March 23, 2024), March 24, 2024 at https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-03- Retrieved from positive-causal-link-idd-erectile.html
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