Research has found that patients with high risk factors for cardiovascular disease may benefit from the preemptive use of certain probiotics.
Researchers are investigating the potential of probiotics as a preventive measure against cardiovascular disease. There is growing evidence that there is an important link between gut health and the development of cardiovascular disease, as well as the heart’s ability to recover from injury.
“There are significant differences in the composition and ratio of the gut microbiota in people with cardiovascular disease and related risk factors compared to those without cardiovascular disease,” said Professor Mosi Song of the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. ” he explained. “We are studying the role of metabolites associated with the gut microbiota and their therapeutic potential in cardiovascular diseases.”
Probiotics and heart disease
In a recently published study, cutting edge scienceSong, Wang and a team of scientists flagged probiotics L. reuteri (L. reuteri) and one of its metabolites, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), have attracted attention as promising candidates for preventive therapy.
According to Song’s colleague Wang Jun, a professor at the Institute of Microbiology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and one of the authors of the study: L. reuteri It has a long history as a probiotic, and research supports its ability to reduce inflammation by regulating levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines, biomolecules that control the body’s inflammatory response.
“Administration of probiotics has been tested in rat models […]using stocks such as: Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1, lactic acid bacteria plantor Bifidobacterium lactisGood results were obtained, such as a reduction in [tissue damage] “Improved myocardial function,” the research team said in the study. “However, the main metabolites responsible for the body’s protective effects are [heart attacks] This lack of understanding prevents a deeper understanding of the exact mechanism and process of action. ”
The accumulation of the intestinal microbiome
The research team was also interested in observing the effects of accumulating the gut microbiome. L. reuteri You may be suffering from a serious post-heart attack complication known as ischemia-reperfusion or reoxygen injury, which damages tissues when blood supply is restored after a period of oxygen deprivation.
They discovered that mice eat L. reuteri The group receiving probiotics had increased levels of GABA metabolites in both blood and heart tissue, and this group had lower cardiac injury measured in terms of cardiac function and inflammation levels after reoxygenation injury. It has decreased significantly.
“The inflammatory response after ischemia-reperfusion injury plays an important role in cardiac repair,” said Jiawan Wang, lead author of the study. “Immune cells are recruited after injury and participate in the inflammatory cascade, but excessive inflammation can lead to adverse outcomes such as cardiac remodeling and heart failure.”
“We discovered GABA. […] Reduced the number of pro-inflammatory macrophages [immune cells implicated in cardiac repair]”It was essential to the heart-protective effect,” he continued.
Minimize risk and severity of injury
The research team gained further insight into the beneficial effects of GABA, finding that GABA reduces inflammation by inhibiting the activation of a complex called the NLRP3 inflammasome within macrophages. This mechanism may contribute to the protective effects of GABA observed in the study. This means that if the disease occurs, proactive treatment may reduce the extent of the damage. L. reuteritaken in advance.
“Because it is readily available and proven safe, L. reuteri In particular, in the case of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury, which is mainly caused by acute coronary artery disease, there is hope that it can be incorporated into clinical interventions, and challenges still remain in preclinical prevention.” Ta. “Our study shows that current preventive measures are valuable for patients with high risk factors for infection. [heart attack]Meanwhile, future research will also focus on treatments. ”
The research team is working on concurrent studies investigating similar effects. Bifidobacterium infantis Its metabolite inosine against myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury.
“Future research will focus on posts.[heart attack] Interventions with the administration of the gut microbiota and its metabolites are needed to identify optimal clinical applications,” Song added. “Additionally, the involvement of the gut microbiome will also be examined in other cardiovascular disease models, such as chronic heart failure.”
References: Jun Wang, Moshi Song et al. Prophylactic supplementation of L. reuteri or its metabolite GABA protects against acute ischemic heart injury, Advanced Science (2024). DOI: 10.1002/advs.202307233
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