tobacco and vape bill, Aiming to protect future generations across the UK from the harmful effects of smoking, it will be introduced to Parliament today. – Not right away.
This bill will ensure that Cigarettes cannot be legally sold to children who will turn 15 this year or younger.
smoking continues Major impact Concerning the public’s health – it is estimated that at least 15,000 people die from cardiovascular disease each year in the UK teeth attributecan For smoking.
Department of Health and Human Services announces smoking Costing the NHS and economy an estimated £17bn a year. It is highly addictive, with 4 out of 5 people starting smoking before the age of 20. rest Become a lifelong addict. This is putting huge pressure on the NHS, with some people being admitted to hospital with smoking-related symptoms. largely Minutes in the UK.
how to deal with important The bill also introduces measures as the number of children using e-cigarettes increases to Limit e-cig flavors and pack it teeth It is intentionally marketed to children. The powers would also allow the government to change how e-cigarettes are displayed in stores, keeping them out of sight of children and away from products that appeal to them, such as sweets.
comment about invoice, Chancellor Rishi Sunak said: “This important change will save thousands of lives and billions of pounds in the NHS, freeing up new resources that can be spent improving outcomes for patients across the UK.”.
groundbreaking law
Responding to Tobacco and Vaping Bills Submitted to Congress, Dr Charmaine Griffiths, Chief Executive Officer of the Company, said: “This landmark bill to create a smoke-free generation has just been tabled in the House of Commons. It is shocking that smoking is still claiming so many lives across the UK today, and it is Strict measures must be taken to ensure safety for generations. please do not You die early because of smoking.
“We welcome the government’s commitment to raise the age of tobacco sales each year. take action to achieve E-cigarettes are less attractive to young people.we know majority The public supports this bill, and we urge legislators of all parties to support this lifesaving bill. ”
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