Olive oil lowers blood pressure and reduces risk of diabetes


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Olive oil is called liquid gold because of its rich flavor and rich color, not to mention its high price. But another important reason why it is so highly valued is its health benefits.

Olive oil is the main source of fat in the Mediterranean diet, which is well known for its positive effects on the heart, diabetes risk, and weight. There’s no doubt that olive oil is good for you, but how good is it really? Are different types of olive oil equally healthy? Are some oils better for you than others? We combed through the research to find out.

Studies have linked olive oil to lower blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, which is considered “bad” cholesterol, and inflammation. Increased HDL cholesterol – considered the “good” type. Reduces risk of type 2 diabetes and cognitive decline.

You don’t need to take a lot. A 2022 study of nearly 92,000 people published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that consuming 1 1/2 teaspoons or more of olive oil daily compared to consuming less. It was found that the risk of dying prematurely from any cause was reduced by 19 percent.

The power of extra virgin olive oil

In the United States, some bottles of olive oil are labeled “extra virgin,” while others are simply labeled “olive oil.” Both are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and are associated with a lower risk of heart disease. But extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) has additional health benefits.

It contains more than 200 antioxidant plant compounds, including polyphenols, which research suggests are responsible for many of the oil’s positive effects (and its characteristic flavor). Polyphenols may help reduce inflammation in the body, which is thought to contribute to many chronic diseases, from heart disease to type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. (See the results of CR’s best EVOO test.)

Regular olive oil contains very few of these compounds and does not have the same health-promoting effects as EVOO, says researchers at Miriam Hospital and Brown University School of Medicine in Providence, Rhode Island, who study olive oil. Associate Professor Mary M. Flynn said. From a health perspective for over 25 years.

A research paper by Flynn and colleagues published in the journal Nutrients in 2023 found that consuming two tablespoons of EVOO a day could improve blood pressure and HDL and LDL cholesterol levels within just three weeks. I concluded that there is.

Additionally, a 2023 study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who consumed 1 1/2 tablespoons of EVOO per day were more likely to die from cardiovascular disease than those who consumed none. was found to be 57% lower. Consuming the same amount of regular olive oil did not have this effect.

The difference is due to the way the oil is manufactured. EVOO is dirty. It’s made using an entirely mechanical process, and is “similar to squeezing an orange to make orange juice,” said Selina Wang, a chemist and associate professor of collaborative extension in the School of Food Science and Technology at the University of California, Davis. It’s not that different.” She is an expert trained in olive oil analysis. This preserves antioxidants. In contrast, regular olive oil is further processed in a way that reduces its antioxidant content.

Comparison of EVOO and other types of oil

So, considering all of this, is EVOO a better choice than other oils for cooking, baking, and eating, such as canola, safflower, soy, corn, sunflower, peanut, or just “vegetable” oils? Is not it?

Experts agree that EVOO is one of the healthiest oils you can choose, and some research suggests it’s better than other oils. For example, researchers found that in Greek men and women aged 70 and older, exclusive use of olive oil in meal preparation and cooking was associated with successful aging attributes, such as good body mass index and participation in social activities. ) was found to be associated with higher scores on the scale. activity) compared with those who did not use olive oil and those who used olive oil or other fats. The study was published in the journal Foods in 2019 and analyzed dietary data from more than 3,300 people.

However, it cannot be said that olive oil is the best.

“I’m not aware of any strong data showing that olive oil is better than other mostly unsaturated oils,” said Alice Lichtenstein, a senior research scientist at the USDA Gene Mayer Center for Aging and Human Nutrition Research at Tufts University in Boston. ” he said. Much of the research on olive oil has been done in studies that examine the diets of large groups and track health effects over time. But Lichtenstein says that while these observational studies are important, they only show associations, not cause and effect.

“Other parts of the Mediterranean diet are also likely contributing to the health benefits, especially olive oil,” Lichtenstein says. Other vegetable oils may also have health benefits. For example, soybean oil and canola oil are good sources of alpha-linolenic acid, a plant omega-3 fatty acid that may protect against heart disease. Olive oil contains very little.

What’s established: Replacing saturated fats, such as butter and coconut oil, with unsaturated fats in your diet is healthier. The 2017 American Heart Association Presidential Recommendations published in the journal Circulation conclude that replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fats can help reduce heart disease. So, says Lichtenstein, olive oil is a good choice, but he says you can use any vegetable oil you like.

Copyright 2024, Consumer Reports Inc.

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