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Written by Priya Hellweg
February is American Heart Month, a time to recognize that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, especially in the African American community. African Americans are 30% more likely to die from heart disease than non-Hispanic whites. However, African Americans can successfully prevent and overcome these diseases by understanding the risks and taking steps to address them. Being physically active, eating healthy, not smoking, and finding healthy ways to cope with stress are all ways you can improve your heart health now and in the future. For me, that means hiking in the mountains or walking my dog around Green Lake in Seattle.
As an acting regional director for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), I know many Alaskans. They rely on lifesaving medications to keep their hearts healthy and improve their quality of life. Prescription drugs can be expensive for patients with cardiovascular disease. Many patients with heart disease may also have other costly chronic conditions, such as diabetes. As Health Secretary Xavier Becerra likes to say, medicines only work if you can afford them. Under the new law, the Inflation Control Act, the Medicare program makes it possible for the first time to negotiate fair prices for certain prescription drugs taken by millions of beneficiaries. This year, the Secretary selected an initial 10 high-cost medicines for negotiation, including five aimed at treating cardiovascular disease and preventing complications affecting the heart. The drugs chosen for negotiation include Xarelto and Eliquis, drugs taken to prevent blood clots that can cause heart attacks and strokes, which together are covered by Medicare. More than 7,000 Alaska residents have taken the drug.
Alaska residents don’t have to wait for drug price negotiations to bring costs down; they can get relief now thanks to the law’s supplemental benefits that lower prescription drug costs for Medicare Part D beneficiaries. – Pocket prescription drug costs for Medicare Part D beneficiaries. Learn about these new benefits at lowerdrugcosts.gov.
So, if you can, make time for a hike, play with your dog a little more, and eat some extra vegetables. And for those who combine these healthy habits with medications, learn how the Anti-Inflation Act could make prescription drugs cheaper and more accessible. Take another step toward a healthy heart during American Heart Month.
Priya Hellweg is the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Regional Deputy Director for Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and 272 federally recognized tribes.
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