TYLER, Texas (KETK) – CHRISTUS Trinity Mother Frances Lewis and Peaches Owen Heart Hospital has donated a total of $10,000 as part of the Women with Heart Scholarship Contest.
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More than 70 students from across East Texas submitted videos about American Heart Month to spread awareness about heart disease in women.
Homeschooler Alyssa Strickland won the contest and the top prize of $5,000.
“As soon as she said my name, it took me a minute to realize I was the winner,” Strickland said. “I learned a lot about women’s heart health during this process. I’m so grateful to everyone who voted for me.”
Strickland said she hopes to use the scholarship to support her future career as a nurse.
“My mom and sister are both nurses, so we have a lot of great experiences as a family,” Strickland said. “I’m so excited to be able to help people.”
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Ashlyn Blankenship and Kayla McCoy of Lindale High School placed second and third, winning $2,500 and $1,500, respectively.
Ashlyn Blankenship, photo courtesy of Christus Trinity Mother Frances Lewis and Peaches Owen Hart Hospital. -
Kayla McCoy, photo provided by Christus Trinity Mother Frances Lewis and Peaches Owen Hart Hospital.
“We wanted them to learn about heart health, and specifically how heart disease affects women,” said Deb Cherett, regional vice president of cardiovascular services. “They all made excellent submissions that demonstrate that they have taken the time to learn about heart disease and, hopefully, gain valuable knowledge.”
Elizabeth Kuhlman and Nicole Hines were both finalists and each won $500 from the contest.
For more information, visit CHRITUS Health’s Women with Heart page online.
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