Shanann M. Grant, Mount Saint Vincent College; Barb Hamilton Hinch, Dalhousie University. Dana Lee Bagley, Dalhousie University; Jackie Gahagan, Mount Saint Vincent University; Jessica Manette of St. Mary’s University and Lee Ann MacFarlane of Mount St. Vincent University.
Prominent messaging around heart health focuses on the role of lifestyle behaviors (such as physical activity and nutrition) in cardiovascular health. However, the role of social determinants of health (SoDH), including sex, gender, poverty, and environment, is also well established. SDoH directly impacts health outcomes as well as the risk and progression of heart disease.
Certain types of heart disease are significantly more common in women than in men. Additionally, Black women’s heart health is distinguished by a heavier burden of traditional risk factors, earlier onset of disease, and nearly 20 percent higher cardiovascular mortality rates compared to non-Black women.
Women, work, and mental health
Canadians spend an average of 7.5 hours a day at work, which equates to about half of their waking hours. Several researchers have shown a link between the workplace and heart health. For example, research has linked increased workplace flexibility (hybrid models, flexible schedules) to lower risk of cardiovascular disease.
Research also shows that women are at higher risk of burnout and psychological, emotional, and physical stress at work compared to men. This disproportionate burden is due to several factors both inside and outside the workplace, and is closely related to gender roles, sexism, racism, ageism, and misogyny. For example, women are more likely to experience gender-based violence, gender role assumptions, and increased cognitive and emotional workload in and out of the workplace.

Many women balance paid work with gendered labor in domestic and caregiving roles. (Shutterstock)
Again, these burdens are higher for groups that deserve equity, especially women who experience multiple forms of discrimination such as racism, colonialism, ableism, and homophobia. .
It is therefore surprising that almost 90% of reported cases of stress-induced heart disease, or “broken heart syndrome,” occur in women, and that 5% of women with a suspected heart attack actually have the disease. Not.
Women are often at the heart of their communities and play multiple intersecting social roles depending on their gender. For example, many balanced-wage jobs involve gender-separated labor in the home and caregiving roles. To make matters worse, women are bombarded with wellness and self-care messages that tell them they are responsible for managing stress and risk in a “healthy” way.
When it comes to workplace health, women and equity groups have been likened to “canaries in the mine.” Canaries were traditionally used in coal mines to detect the presence of carbon monoxide. The birds die from the toxicity before the miners, giving them time to take action.
But psychologists Christina Maslach and Michael P. Reiter make an important point. No one has ever declared that canaries need to be more resilient or more self-controlled in order to be less susceptible to carbon monoxide.
Although women make up more than half of the population, they continue to be underrepresented in the workplace in many ways, including leadership and positions of influence.
Creating a mentally healthy workplace

Hybrid work models increase productivity and worker control, and support flexible working hours. (Shutterstock)
Workplaces can positively impact women’s health by ensuring that knowledge about women and heart disease translates into actions that support prevention and treatment. Here are her seven evidence-based recommendations for co-creating a heart-healthy workplace.
flexible business hours: Inflexible work schedules have been shown to increase stress for women and families, including stressors that are passed on to children. Effective ‘flex time’ initiatives (e.g. flex time to support physical activity) have a positive impact on the heart health, physical activity and sleep patterns of workers, particularly those aged 45 and over. This is especially true for adults and workers at high risk for cardiovascular disease.
Flexible hybrid work model: Evidence on hybrid work models has increased rapidly since March 2020. Using a non-fixed, worker-driven approach, hybrid work models appear to increase productivity and worker control, and support flexible working hours. Research supports that women are more likely to take advantage of this option when offered, but employers should monitor the impact and design jobs appropriately for hybrid and remote working. It also highlights that, if not done, hybrid work models can widen pay and promotion gaps between men and women.
Investing in psychological safety: A psychologically safe workplace is one where employees feel safe to take risks and be themselves without fear of criticism, lateral violence (sabotage, bullying, etc.) or negative consequences. Psychological safety is positively associated with workplace engagement, innovation, job performance, and job satisfaction, all of which are desirable outcomes for institutions, organizations, the bottom line, customers, and communities.
provide health benefits: Compulsory benefits, also known as statutory benefits, are required by Canadian employment law. These include state medical insurance, pension contributions, employment insurance, survivors insurance, and workers’ compensation insurance. Supplemental benefits can help attract and retain workers. Examples include dental care, medication insurance, disability insurance, and many complementary health services. These complementary benefits are associated with improved health outcomes and reduced risk of chronic disease.
Investing in programs that support better health: In addition to the examples above, workplaces can invest in programs that support health-promoting behaviors both inside and outside of the workplace. Such programming is associated with positive workplace satisfaction, productivity, and health-related outcomes. Other examples of health promotion include health risk assessments, lunch and learn, flexible and inclusive leave options, time off for leisure activities, spiritual practices, volunteer work, and community involvement. You can
Engage in collective conflict resolution strategies: Evidence supports that collaborative dispute resolution approaches such as mediation can provide positive learning opportunities for parties involved. This encourages workers to find solutions together rather than formal disciplinary action, which often leaves the root cause of the conflict unresolved.
Work on policies, procedures, and protocols to combat “isms”: Ibram X. Kendi’s book, How to be an anti-racistprovides rationale and examples of how to ensure that your policies and procedures are anti-racist. Adopting this approach requires a significant but valuable investment, learning and unlearning, but small changes can reap benefits. Workplaces can also adopt policies to combat other forms of discrimination, such as age discrimination and sex discrimination. For example, some employers are starting to encourage applicants to report “stay at home mom” as part of their work history and some transferable skills that this experience provides. Masu.
Rather than waiting until the canary in the workplace coal mine expires, integrate health and safety strategies that achieve tangible benefits to improve the overall health and well-being of workers, their families, and communities. There is evidence that there are options.
Recognize that factors such as the built environment, social and health systems, and outdated policies are the problems that need to be addressed, rather than people, including women, people living with disabilities, and other groups that deserve equity. , we take steps towards better health. A safer and more accessible workplace.
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
For workers, integrating health and safety strategies is a better option than waiting until the “canary” expires. (Pixabay)
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