
Next time you take a multivitamin supplement, ask your doctor if it’s right for your heart. A new study shows that high levels of vitamin B3, or niacin, an essential B vitamin, can increase the risk of heart disease by causing inflammation in the arteries and damaging blood vessels. Masu. This discovery last week is important because this risk was previously unknown.

However, this does not mean that there are no risks from dietary intake of vitamin B3, which is found in meat, fish, poultry, nuts, cereals and bread. The recommended daily intake for adult men is 16 milligrams, for women 14 milligrams, and for mothers up to 17 milligrams. This can be easily obtained from food. This risk only occurs if you take a prescribed vitamin B3 supplement of approximately 1000 milligrams over a long period of time. According to this new discovery, it should be stopped.

Why do we need vitamin B3 and niacin?

That’s because it helps your body convert the food you eat into energy. The body does not store niacin. Excess is removed from the body through urine.

Why is vitamin B3 used as a supplement?

It has long been used to treat high levels of a bad cholesterol called lipoprotein (A). This is high-density cholesterol that doesn’t show up on regular lipid profile tests, but it’s a very good indicator of cardiovascular health. If the level is above 50 mg/dl, the risk of heart attack increases. This is usually higher in people with a family history of heart disease, which can lead to the formation of plaque on blood vessel walls. Without certain medications, people with high levels need to lower their LDL (low-density lipoprotein) levels further. You need to maintain your weight, do not smoke, choose healthy food and drinks, and do regular physical activity.

There is no drug yet to treat this, but many doctors prescribe vitamin B3 because it leads to a modest reduction in lipoprotein (A). These include premature heart disease or a family history of early-onset heart disease, a family history of high Lp(a), familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), and the risk of cardiovascular events despite optimal LDL lowering. It is prescribed in parallel with statins in patients with relapses.

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However, it has side effects such as diarrhea, which affects the gastrointestinal tract and causes severe vasodilation, where blood vessels dilate and the face becomes flushed and red, and often causes a sudden drop in blood pressure and disorientation.

How does vitamin B3 increase the risk of heart attack?

This study shows that the end products of degraded niacin in the group tested caused inflammation. In other words, in an attempt to lower cholesterol, inflammation has increased. This narrows the artery and accelerates plaque growth, damaging the artery wall and loosening any existing plaque, no matter how small. This tear causes a clot or blockage within the heart, leading to a heart attack.

So what can people with low levels of cholesterol do?

They are dependent on statins and must actively manage their lifestyle, diet, and exercise. Of course, trials of new therapeutic supplements that treat niacin’s harmful end products are underway. However, multivitamin supplements are not necessary at this time.


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