
- Researchers report that consuming too much protein daily can cause heart health problems.
- In particular, researchers note that consuming more than 22% of your daily calories from protein may increase your risk of atherosclerosis.
- Experts advise that we need some protein each day to maintain overall health, and that some of that protein should come from plant-based foods.
According to some researchers, consuming more than 22% of your daily calories from protein can increase your risk of atherosclerosis and even worsen the condition.
To reach their conclusion, the researchers used a combination of human experiments and experiments with mice and cells in petri dishes. There were a total of 23 participants in the human study.
The researchers used two different research settings for their human studies. In both cases, participants consume two liquid diets, one with regular protein and one with high protein, approximately 1 to 2 weeks apart.
The initial setup involved 14 participants. A standard diet had 10% of total energy from protein, 17% from fat, and 73% from carbohydrates. The high-protein diet consisted of 50% of energy from protein, 17% from fat, and 33% from carbohydrates.
The second setup involved nine participants and was designed to mimic a “real world” scenario. In this setting, a standard diet represents a person’s average protein intake, with 15% of his total energy consisting of protein, 35% fat, and 50% carbohydrates. High-protein diets accounted for the top quartile of protein intake, with 22% of energy coming from protein, 30% from fat, and 48% from carbohydrates.
Scientists have noted that leucine is an amino acid that contributes to the development and exacerbation of atherosclerosis. Researchers found that increasing dietary protein intake, specifically consuming more than 25 grams of protein per meal or more than 22% of daily energy needs, increased leucine levels. , was found to activate specific pathways in immune cells associated with atherosclerosis.
The second part of the study involved mice.
The researchers first created a diet for mice with graded protein content that mimicked the average protein intake (15%) and high protein intake (22%) of a typical adult living in the United States.
They reported similar results to human studies.
The researchers found that the same pathway was activated in mice that consumed more than 25 grams of protein per meal, or more than 22% of their total energy intake, and that these mice may promote atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. He also added that he has a high level of sexuality.
Researchers concluded that high protein intake may contribute to atherogenesis.
The authors suggest that people should approach high-protein diets with caution and dietary guidelines should be revised accordingly.
The authors note that several organizations recommend protein intake of approximately 11% of daily energy needs to maintain nitrogen balance.
“High-protein diets are very popular among the general public and are used for weight loss, bodybuilding, and an overall healthy lifestyle. For many years, the research community using experiments in animal models “Reports had shown that high-protein diets could increase cardiovascular disease (also called atherosclerosis or heart arteriosclerosis), but no one knew why,” Professor said Dr. Babak Razani. He is an M.D. at the University of Pittsburgh and one of the study’s authors. “previous
“In this study, we determined why a high-protein diet is dangerous for heart arteries,” Razani said. Today’s medical news. “First, we conducted several studies in humans and demonstrated that when humans ingest higher amounts of protein, macrophages and the mTOR pathway are activated, similar to what was found in animal models. We then identified for the first time that leucine, an amino acid abundant in animal-derived proteins, plays a role as a driver of atherosclerosis risk.Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, and we There are 20 amino acids that make up the proteins we ingest. However, leucine is the only culprit that worsens heart artery disease. We know that eating a meal containing about 22 kilocalories of protein means that protein and its leucine reduce the risk. We determined that this is the threshold to raise.”
Two studies (one published in 2020 and the other in 2023) reached different conclusions.
The first study is
Still, some cardiologists say they are moving away from recommending a high-protein diet and toward a more plant-based or vegetable-based diet.
“this [new] The study is too small to change anything,” said Dr. Steven Tan, a cardiac electrophysiologist at Providence St. John’s Health Center in California who was not involved in the study. .
“I wouldn’t do anything different,” Tan said. Today’s medical news. “However, we now have further evidence that high protein is not the way to go. Cardiologists have traditionally focused on cholesterol and high blood pressure, not protein. This study shows that plant-based diets can help improve the heart’s health. It has been confirmed that it is good for health.”
So how much protein should you include in your daily diet? How much is too much?
“While the study results are interesting, they do not accurately reflect the real-world case of excessive protein intake,” says Carolyn, RD, CDCES, a Washington, D.C.-based dietitian who was not involved in the latest study.・Mr. Thomason stated. .
“While it is true that most Western societies consume too much protein and too little of nutrient-dense plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, protein as a food group is essential to “There’s a feeling of fullness, and it’s very difficult to overeat, especially in older adults. In the context of a balanced diet,” Thomasson said. Today’s medical news.
Another expert said there are ways to understand how this kind of information is reflected in daily life.
“Eating too much of one nutrient can limit others, potentially leading to health problems,” says Ann Dunahy, RDN, a registered dietitian in Arizona. However, I am not involved in the latest research. “There’s a good reason for the saying ‘everything in moderation’. A healthy diet should provide balanced amounts of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.”
“Everyone’s protein needs are a little different, so it’s best to consult a nutritionist who can assess your needs,” Dunahy said. Today’s medical news. “But I think a good goal for most healthy adults is to get 20 to 30 grams of protein per meal, evenly distributed throughout the day.”
“Protein intake above this may not be utilized for muscle synthesis. It often ends up providing excess calories, and as this study suggests, it causes more harm than good.” “It’s possible,” she added.
For those looking to add protein to their diet, Dunahy recommends eating more plant-based protein (from food rather than supplements).
“Several studies have linked high animal protein diets to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease,” she said. “Proteins from animal sources can also contain saturated fat and other compounds that can promote inflammation and promote heart disease.”
“Protein from plant sources, on the other hand, contains antioxidants, fiber, and other nutrients that can reduce the risk of heart disease,” Danahy concluded. “Nuts, seeds, legumes, and vegetables all contain protein and other health-promoting compounds.”
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