Vitamins added to cereals, bread and pasta may be linked to heart disease, a study has found.
Niacin, found in many breakfast cereals and other “fortified” or “fortified” products, is a common B vitamin that was previously recommended for lowering cholesterol.
But researchers have discovered that a chemical called 4PY, which is produced when the body breaks down excess niacin, is strongly linked to heart attacks, strokes, and heart disease.
Dr. Stanley Hazen of the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio said niacin may be a “previously unrecognized but significant contributor” to the development of cardiovascular disease.
“The main point is not that you should completely stop taking niacin.” [but] “There is a debate as to whether continuing the obligation to fortify flour and grains with niacin is justified,” he said.

According to the NHS, the recommended daily intake of niacin is 16.5 mg for men and 13.2 mg for women. However, a study published in Nature Medicine found that one in four people are overdosing, resulting in high levels of 4PY in their blood.

Niacin is found in many breakfast cereals, including Kellogg’s Corn Flakes

Weetabix also contains niacin, a common B vitamin previously recommended for lowering cholesterol.
For decades, all white flour sold in the UK has been legally required to be fortified with niacin.
The government has raised the mandatory amount added (2.4mg per 100g) in 2022.
Niacin deficiency can cause a potentially fatal condition called pellagra.
Symptoms include skin irritation, mouth sores, diarrhea, and even dementia.
According to the NHS, the recommended daily intake of niacin is 16.5 mg for men and 13.2 mg for women.
However, a study published in Nature Medicine found that one in four people are overdosing and have high levels of 4PY in their blood.
“Niacin’s effectiveness has always been somewhat contradictory,” Dr. Hazen said.
“Despite lowering cholesterol, the clinical benefit was always less than expected.
“This led to the idea that excess niacin causes obscure side effects that partially offset the cholesterol-lowering benefits.
“We believe our findings help explain this discrepancy.
“This shows why investigating residual cardiovascular risk is so important. We learn much more than we set out to find.”

For decades, all white flour sold in the UK has been legally required to be fortified with niacin.As a result, Hovis Soft White Medium Bread contains niacin
Many breakfast cereals are “fortified” with niacin.
Cornflakes contain 13mg per 100g, meaning a 50g bowl will contain exactly half your daily intake.
Weetabix (14mg/100g) and Shreddis (11mg/100g) contain similar amounts.
Many common daily multivitamins contain about 50mg, which is more than 300 percent of a man’s intake.
The study looked at blood samples and medical records of 503,325 people in the UK.
The researchers found that people with high 4PY levels had a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and heart disease.
The increase in the amount of niacin added to flour will be approved by the UK government in 2022 and is expected to come into effect later this year, subject to formal notification procedures to the World Trade Organization and European Commission.
There is no obligation to fortify breakfast cereals with vitamins and minerals, but manufacturers can do this voluntarily in accordance with government regulations.
It is believed that tolerance to niacin, also known as vitamin B-3, varies slightly from person to person.
Dr. Hazen said ingestion is like pouring water into a bucket from multiple taps.
Once the bucket is full, it will start spilling. The human body must then process the effluent and produce other metabolites, including 4PY.
Excess niacin is excreted in the urine. Severe overdose can also cause facial flushing and liver damage.
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