As Heart Month approaches, it’s important to emphasize the important role that diet plays in maintaining heart health. Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, making focusing on heart health not a choice but a necessity. Diet in particular has a huge impact on factors such as cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which have a huge impact on heart health.
The relationship between diet and heart health
Dr. Lip Singh, a renowned cardiologist at Mayo Clinic Health System, sheds light on the relationship between diet and heart health. High levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, lipids in the blood, are known to increase the risk of heart disease. Cholesterol, a waxy substance found throughout the body, can be problematic when present in excess. It comes from his two main sources: liver and foods of animal origin.
Cholesterol is classified into LDL (bad cholesterol) and HDL (good cholesterol). High LDL cholesterol levels can cause cholesterol to build up in your arteries, leading to conditions such as atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke. Therefore, managing high cholesterol levels is of paramount importance, especially for people with other risk factors.
How a healthy diet affects heart health
A healthy diet greatly contributes to maintaining a healthy heart. Recent research highlights the benefits of incorporating fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your diet. A heart disease diet focuses on nutritious foods and reduces intake of sugar, salt, alcohol, and saturated and trans fats. Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) and the Mediterranean diet are two diets proven to improve heart health and reduce the risk of serious complications.
Pharmacist’s role and regular checkups
Pharmacists play an important role in promoting heart health by providing valuable information about prevention strategies and counseling about treatment goals, side effects, and lifestyle changes. Proper cholesterol management, including regular cholesterol testing and appropriate medication when needed, is important to maintaining heart health.
Plant-based diet for heart health
A plant-based diet is associated with improved heart health. A recent study of twins demonstrated that those who followed a vegan diet for two months had better cardiometabolic health than their identical siblings who consumed an omnivorous diet. Ta. A vegan diet lowered LDL cholesterol levels, insulin levels, and led to weight loss.
Change your lifestyle for a healthy heart
Adopting a heart-healthy diet is an important step toward achieving a healthy heart. However, it is equally important to avoid harmful foods, follow a balanced diet plan and lead an active lifestyle. Regular medical supervision is essential to effectively manage and prevent heart disease.
Heart health is not just a concern for people diagnosed with heart disease. This is a universal concern and requires a proactive approach. This Heart Month, make a commitment to nourish your heart with healthy eating and positive lifestyle changes.
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