
Using artificial intelligence to detect and treat heart disease in the UK

Using artificial intelligence to detect and treat heart disease in the UK


PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — Artificial intelligence is being used and tested in a variety of medical fields, including research into how to detect and treat heart disease.

In the UK, AI is being used to detect cardiovascular disease faster and earlier, making it easier to treat.

When these lab-grown cells are viewed under a microscope, they reveal healthy, beating hearts.

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CBS News Philadelphia

On the other hand, these cells show that they are damaged.

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CBS News Philadelphia

Since doctors can tell the difference, we hope that artificial intelligence will be able to tell the difference more quickly too.

Prashant Jay Ruchaya, a cardiovascular scientist at the University of East London, said: “As hearts in a dish age, predicting which will age healthily and which will age harmfully.” We can do that.”

In this London lab, miniature stem cell hearts are helping scientists study how heart cells become defective as we age.

“The function of the heart is to pump blood around the body, so the way the heart contracts is very important,” Lucaya said.

Researchers at the University of East London hope to use AI to accelerate the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of age-related heart disease.

“Once the damage is done, it’s very difficult to reverse it,” Lucaya says.

Researchers are training AI to recognize details of how the heart beats, so it can detect changes in the shape of cells better than doctors.

“Therefore, the hope is that if we can identify a way to remove these harmful cardiac cells from the heart, we can keep the heart functioning as desired,” Lucaya said.

British researchers said the tiny heart is made from human stem cells and will be destroyed after 28 days.

Ultimately, they hope to change the trend of heart disease being the leading cause of death.


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