Today, we are partnering with the UK Dementia Research Institute (UK DRI) to create the UK’s first research center dedicated to discovering new treatments to prevent, halt and ultimately cure vascular dementia. announced a plan to
We aim to invest £7.5m over the next five years to help the Center drive pioneering research into catastrophic conditions. UK DRI will provide him with £1.5 million and give him access to cutting-edge technology and research centres.
enhance discovery
The center will be a major investment in vascular dementia research in the UK, bringing together leading researchers from around the world under a single virtual ‘roof’. Thanks to generous donations from our supporters, the center will bring together the brightest minds at the forefront of their fields to accelerate the discovery and exploration of pioneering new treatments to stop vascular dementia.
Vascular dementia is the second most common type of dementia, affecting around 150,000 people in the UK. It is caused by poor blood flow to the brain, resulting in a lack of oxygen and nutrients that nerve cells need to survive. This causes nerve cells in the affected area of the brain to die, causing symptoms such as memory loss and difficulty concentrating, which worsen over time.
looking for a cure
Although risk factors for vascular dementia, such as high blood pressure, can be modified, there is no treatment that can stop or reverse its progression, and there is no cure. With the number of people living with vascular dementia in the UK expected to more than double to 350,000 by 2050, the center will play a vital role in tackling this devastating condition head on. become.
Professor Sir Nilesh Samani, our Medical Director, said: “Vascular dementia is a cruel condition that deprives people of their independence and destroys the lives of those affected and their loved ones.Sadly around 13,000 people in the UK die from the disease every year, and vascular dementia It is vitally important to find new ways to prevent, stop and treat diseases.
“We are proud to work with UK DRI to launch the BHF-UK DRI Vascular Dementia Center, bringing together some of the brightest minds to drive pioneering research into this devastating condition. By combining our expertise and resources, the Center will provide an international platform for world-leading collaboration and accelerate the global search for treatments.
“We now need the support of generous supporters to help us pave the way to the first effective treatment for vascular dementia and make our ambitions a reality.”
Unite to fight vascular dementia
The partnership builds on UK DRI’s position as the UK’s leading research institution specializing in research into a range of neurodegenerative diseases, including vascular dementia. Scientists at the institute research all areas of dementia, with a focus on understanding the root causes of the disease, such as how problems with circulation in the brain lead to neurodegeneration. There is. The partnership could rapidly accelerate progress in vascular dementia research, which is currently underfunded.
Professor Siddharthan Chandran, Director of Dementia UK, said: “We are delighted to be partnering with the BHF to establish the UK’s first research center solely dedicated to advancing the understanding of vascular dementia.” Although the condition accounts for 15-30% of all dementia cases, it has not received nearly the same level of research attention, is severely underfunded, and there are few ongoing clinical trials.
“The UK DRI is already working at the forefront of dementia research and this new partnership is a great opportunity to strengthen and build on our progress to discover innovative new treatments, tools and diagnostics. is.
“The new collaboration represents a major step forward in our efforts to address knowledge gaps in vascular dementia. BHF’s extensive experience in cardiovascular research and expertise in dementia will enable us to build a new centre. We are confident that our findings will dramatically improve clinical care and quality of life for the millions of people living with vascular dementia.”
Following its launch, the BHF-UK DRI Vascular Dementia Center will have a world-leading director and four new members, joining UK DRI’s three existing group leaders working on vascular dementia across major research. Conduct international recruitment efforts to identify group leaders. theme.
The unique combination of over 60 years of BHF breakthroughs in heart and circulatory diseases and the detailed neurological expertise and resources provided by UK DRI will transform the research landscape of this devastating disease. There is a possibility.
Learn more about vascular dementia
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