
Heart problems can affect someone you know. And if left untreated, these problems can be fatal.

COLUMBUS, (WCBI) – Heart problems can affect someone you know. And if left untreated, these problems can be fatal.

According to the CDC, 1 in 5 people died from cardiovascular disease in 2021.

A group in Columbus wants to raise awareness about heart disease and how to prevent it.

The Eric Thomas Foundation held a Heart Walk and Health Fair today.

“I wanted to do something to bring awareness to our community because so many people suffer from heart disease and don’t even know they have it. I wanted to raise awareness so people don’t have to go through what I went through,” Thomas said.

This is very personal for Thomas.

“I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure in 2018. I was in good health but my heart wasn’t giving me a proper blood supply. I visited a specialist in Memphis and then went to a UAV where I -I was advised to get a VAT. The L-VAT is designed to pump blood into major arteries and help with blood flow throughout the body. So I decided to undergo surgery to prolong my life. “I did,” Thomas said.

From his own experience, Thomas decided he wanted to help his community by encouraging people to stay healthy and get tested for heart conditions.

“The big purpose of this is to raise awareness, especially African-American men, to just go to the doctor now and get a routine checkup, even if you’re feeling good. Check Engine Light Don’t wait until the light turns on, go now and get a health check to make sure you’re OK,” Thomas said.

There was also a health fair attended by local nurses. Erica Horton, owner of Resilient Hope Wellness Clinic, said she wants to be able to educate the community.

“We partnered with the Eric Thomas Open Heart Foundation on this event to provide information to the community. We want to influence people through education and learn that heart disease is preventable with the right information, that high blood pressure “I really want people to know that strokes are treatable, some strokes are preventable, and some heart attacks are preventable.”

The Thomases said they hope the walk becomes an annual event.

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