
- Coronary heart disease is the third leading cause of death worldwide; Cisgender women are at higher risk.
- Recent research shows that a woman’s risk of developing heart disease may increase depending on the amount of alcohol she drinks.
- The results of this study suggest that women who binge drink and eat have the following symptoms: The risk of developing heart disease is 68% higher compared to 33% higher for men.
According to researchers, coronary heart disease is currently
Coronary heart disease, a type of cardiovascular disease, occurs when cholesterol builds up inside the walls of your arteries, forming plaques that make it difficult for blood to flow to the heart.
Now, researchers at Kaiser Permanente in Northern California have found that a woman’s chance of developing coronary heart disease may also be increased by the amount of alcohol she consumes.
The study, presented April 6-8 at the American College of Cardiology’s Annual Scientific Sessions, also found that men who consume more alcohol have a higher risk of developing coronary heart disease. This study has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal.
According to Dr. Jamal Rana, a Permanente Medical Group cardiologist, adjunct research scientist at Kaiser Permanente Northern California, and lead author of the study, how alcohol affects heart health. It is said that further awareness is needed.
“When most people think about prevention against heart disease, the first thing they think about is not smoking,” Dr. Rana said. Today’s medical news.
“There needs to be more awareness that alcohol use can be a factor in heart disease risk and that questions about alcohol use should now be part of regular health assessments. At Kaiser Permanente Northern California, we consider alcohol consumption to be a vital sign, and we ask patients about alcohol consumption and record their responses at every visit, just as we record blood pressure. Masu.”
“Alcohol has long been believed to be good for the heart, but there is growing evidence that casts doubt on that idea. This did not fully explain the bias caused by “healthy drinkers.” We felt it was important to investigate the relationship between levels of alcohol use, including episodic binge drinking and binge drinking, and the risk of coronary heart disease in women and men. ”
— Dr. Jamal Rana, lead study author
For this study, Dr. Rana and his team analyzed alcohol use data from more than 430,000 people treated at Kaiser Permanente Northern California.
Study participants were between 18 and 65 years old and had no history of heart disease at the start of the study.
Participants were placed at three levels of alcohol consumption: low (1-2 drinks per week for both men and women), moderate (3-14 drinks per week for men and 3-7 drinks per week for women), and high (15 or more drinks per week). Divided. 8 or more drinks per week for men and 8 or more drinks per week for women).
Additionally, the researchers categorized study participants by whether they binge-drinked or not.
Those who participated in binge drinking had consumed 5 or more drinks per day for men and 4 or more drinks per day for women in the past 3 months.
The scientists compared the relationship between participants’ reported alcohol intake and their subsequent diagnosis of coronary heart disease over a four-year period.
In their analysis, the researchers found that women who did not binge drink or eat but who reported high alcohol consumption were more likely to develop heart disease compared to female participants who reported moderate alcohol consumption. found that 45% higher sex
Scientists also found that women who fell into the binge drinking category had a 68% increased risk of heart disease.
“These findings suggest that women need to be educated about the potential heart risks associated with heavy drinking,” Dr. Rana said.
“Our findings also highlight how important it is for health care providers to ask women not only how often they drink, but also whether they binge drink.”
“Due to pharmacokinetic and physiological differences, women process alcohol differently than men. Women may feel protected from heart disease until they are older, so they Rates of alcohol use are increasing among women and middle-aged women, but this study shows that even in that age group women drink more than the recommended one drink a day. People who consume large quantities or who tend to binge eat or drink are at risk for coronary heart disease.”
— Dr. Jamal Rana, lead study author
The study also found that male participants with high alcohol intake had a 15% higher risk of heart disease compared to those who reported moderate alcohol intake.
Men who consumed more alcohol and also met criteria for binge drinking had a 33% increased risk of heart disease.
The study also found that male participants who consumed high amounts of alcohol and fell into the binge drinking category had a 33% higher risk of heart disease compared to male participants who reported moderate alcohol consumption. did.
After reviewing this study, Dr. Jennifer Wong, a board-certified cardiologist and medical director of non-invasive cardiology at Memorial Care Heart and Vascular Institute at Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California, reviewed this study. After that, he said: MNT She felt this was useful information about how alcohol negatively affects the heart.
“This gives doctors additional evidence to present to patients when advising them to reduce their alcohol intake,” Dr. Wong explained.
“[For future research]it may be useful to see what effect weight loss has on cardiovascular disease outcomes, such as heart attack, myocardial infarction, and cardiovascular disease death.”
MNT We also spoke with Monique Richard, registered dietitian and owner of Nutrition-In-Sight. He was not surprised by the study’s results. Because while a little good can be beneficial, much can be harmful.
“We know that excessive amounts of alcohol can cause increased blood pressure, dehydration, nutrient depletion, and the replacement or overconsumption of needed or unnecessary calories,” says Richard. described in detail.
“This can affect all organ systems, but particularly the strength and elasticity of the heart muscle, the elasticity of blood vessels, and lipid levels, resulting in increased risk factors and risk of coronary heart disease. It can contribute to disease.”
Past studies have talked about the “health” component of alcohol, such as reporting the health benefits of red wine.
In the end, Dr. Wong said it’s best not to drink alcohol. “If you drink alcohol, we recommend no more than two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women,” she added.
People looking to reduce their alcohol intake start by understanding what they’re currently consuming, Richard says.
“At home, keep a measuring cup handy and compare the amount of wine you’re pouring into your goblet to the recommended 5 ounces, or count how many beers you’ve had,” she continued.
“Ask yourself if you could easily reduce not only the frequency but also the amount.”
Dr. Wong and Richard shared additional tips for reducing alcohol intake.
- Set realistic goals.
- Start by reducing the amount of alcohol you drink by half, and work your way down from there.
- Dilute alcoholic beverages such as wine spritzers with seltzer water or fruit juice.
- Drink a full cup (8 ounces) of water between alcoholic drinks.
- Try our mocktail recipes and explore ‘subtly curious’ elixirs.
- Create an environment that is safe and conducive to achieving your alcohol-related goals.
- Observe your feelings, such as anxiety and stress, when you drink and look for alternative ways to deal with those feelings.
- If necessary, seek the help of a medical professional or medical professional.
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